The Law Today

Changes announced by the government to the Step-by-Step Plan, including those relating to the Single Collective Travel Permit.

09 Abr 2021


On 1 April 2021, the Government announced a series of modifications to the Step by Step Plan, including those related to the Single Collective Permit included in the Instructions for Travel Permits, accompanied by Official Communication No. 6421, dated 22 March 2021, signed by the Ministers of the Interior and Public Security and of National Defence. Specifically, these amendments provide for the following:

1. Some essential tours and activities are temporarily eliminated, this measure being in force for 15 days, after which their continuity will be evaluated. The tours are: (i) retail sale of clothing and clothing accessories; (ii) footwear in specialised trade; and the (iii) wholesale of perfumes, toiletries and cosmetics.

2. The concept of essential household goods is modified and restricted, thereby limiting the essential goods and services that may be accessed by means of delivery.

3. The notion of essential civil servant is redefined, being understood as one who performs operational, logistical and productive tasks, maintenance of security systems or cleaning and sanitisation. This definition includes those workers who provide minimum services that must be ensured in the event of a strike. On the other hand, administrative, accounting, financial, advisory and consultancy work is excluded from this definition.

4. The Single Collective Permit includes the obligation to report: i) the total number of workers in the company; ii) the number of workers or service providers considered essential; and iii) the work of the worker considered essential.

5. Finally, the penalties applicable to non-compliance with the measures indicated correspond mainly to i) administrative fines (sanitary inquiries by the SEREMI of Health, which could even lead to the closure of the establishment and inspections by the Department of Labour); and ii) the configuration of the offences established in articles 210, 318, 318 bis and 318 ter, all of the Penal Code.

6.  These amendments are understood to be in force as of 5 April 2021, as of 05:00 hours.


Should you require further information on this matter, please contact: Alfred Sherman ( and/or Felipe Ovalle (