The Law Today

Ministry of Energy – Regulation of Distributed Generation for Self-consumption or Netbilling.

25 Sep 2020


On September 24, 2020, Supreme Decree No. 57, dated July 11, 2019, of the Ministry of Energy was published, approving the Regulations on Distributed Generation for Self-Consumption, which mainly aims at developing the amendments introduced by Law No. 21,118 to the General Law on Electrical Services, specifically Articles 149 bis, ter, quater and quinquies.

Mainly, the regulation clearly defines the scope of application of this regulation; it presents a catalog of definitions; it regulates the operation modalities of the generation equipment; the procedure to carry out the connection of the generation equipment; the connection contract; the cost of additional works, adaptations and adjustments for the connection; It establishes the limits to the connection and to the injections of the generation equipment that do not require additional works, adjustments or adaptations for the connection; it regulates the measurements and valuation of the injections and the transfers of surpluses of non-conventional renewable energies; it regulates the destination of undiscounted or unpaid surpluses during five years; among other provisions.


In case you require additional information on this matter, you can contact Marcelo Mardones,; Martín Esser,